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Friday, September 7, 2018

Simple printing to learn line directionThis is a simple printing project that helps you very young students learn line direction: horizontal vertical and diagonal. It also helps assess if students are able to recognize and create a pattern using lines. This project is the first part of a unit of printing with the cardboard strips. There are

Kindergarteners "built" their houses by printing lines from cardboard strips. Students were encouraged to make houses like the ones seen around their neighborhood.  Students then were taught techniques to color in neatly and completely. Students were encouraged to color in as neatly and completely as they could.

Simple printing to learn line direction this is a simple printing project that helps you very young students learn line direction: horizontal vertical and diagonal. It also helps assess if students are able to recognize and create a pattern using lines. This project is the first part of a unit of printing with the cardboard strips.

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